The oldest found documentation of reflexology was in the tomb of an Egyptian physician dating around 2300 – 2500BC, the evidence was in hieroglyphics showing two people carrying out healing work on the hands and feet. There is further evidence from ancient text and illustrations that show the feet were worked on to promote health and well being in other countries, including India, Japan and China. There are also theories that the American Indians were taught the therapy by the Incas.
Every part of the body has a reflex point on the feet. The right foot represents the right side of the body and the left foot, the left side. The feet have many nerve endings and it is felt that this is why reflexology works. The nerves are stimulated at the reflex points with specific thumb and finger techniques. The nerve relays this stimulus through the nervous system up the spinal column to the corresponding affected area of the body.
As a holistic therapy, Reflexology aims to treat the body as a whole.
There are many benefits of reflexology including:
Provides relaxation, relieves stress, tension and anxiety by generating a deep tranquillity and peace that flows smoothly throughout the body.
Increases circulation that helps rid the body of toxins and impurities.
Energises and revitalises by relaxing and opening energy pathways: for our mental, physical and emotional well being. This helps stimulate creativity and productivity.
Induces homeostasis, helping the whole body to work in harmony and the immune system to work at its best.
Reflexology can work well alongside conventional medicine: it can help with pain management, recovering from illness and managing ongoing health conditions. It can also be used to improve or eliminate many aliments including sleep issues, low mood or low energy, headaches/migraines, digestive problems, pms, menopause symptoms and more.